cat Do cats have moods? Of course they do! From excited and happy to stressed and upset, cats can display a range of moods. Maybe someday there will be a device that can easily translate cat behavioral cues so that we’ll know exactly what our cats are feeling. But until we have that technology, you’ll need to learn how to understand your cat’s body language and vocalizations to get an idea of your cat’s mood.
rainbow A rainbow is a multicolored arc made by light striking water droplets. The most familiar type rainbow is produced when sunlight strikes raindrops in front of a viewer at a precise angle (42 degrees). Rainbows can also be viewed around fog, sea spray, or waterfalls.
arduino Programming, electronics, doing cool stuff with code and components; that's basically what you can expect from using an Arduino. As with learning all new things, there is a moment of reorientation required for using Arduino. But ultimately, it's not difficult to get to grips with. Consider if you can complete the following basic tasks: If the answer to all three is "yes" then you should be able to learn Arduino. These are all practices that most people can achieve---and most people should be able to learn Arduino.
planetA planet some 90 light-years away from Earth ­– that is, a gaseous world with a potentially rich atmosphere, ripe for study.
focus Your personal work environment plays a large role in your ability to concentrate. The more comfortable and welcoming your environment is, the easier it will likely be for you to stay there and focus.
pizza I want the pizza🧡